Rimble Components come with built-in access to the default Rimble theme. The theme file contains an object which holds values for common variables such as color, fonts, box shadows, and more.
Custom global theme
Quick start
Start from the entry-point into your React app. If you are starting from Create React App, this would be done in the index.js
1. Import required components
import { BaseStyles, theme } from "rimble-ui";import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";
2. Create custom by extending the default Rimble theme
const customTheme = {// Copy the entire rimble theme and customize to your desired values};
3. Wrap your app by the ThemeProvider
and pass your custom theme to the theme prop
<ThemeProvider theme={customTheme}><BaseStyles><App /></BaseStyles></ThemeProvider>
Default theme definition
Rimble's full theme
object that is exported is as follows:
// Rimble's default theme object{fontSizes: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64],fontWeights: [0, 300, 400, 600, 700],letterSpacings: [0, 1, 2, 4, 8],breakpoints: ["40em", "52em", "64em"],lineHeights: {solid: 1,title: 1.25,copy: 1.5,},fonts: {serif: 'athelas, georgia, times, serif',sansSerif: '"Source Sans Pro", -apple-system, sans-serif',},space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256],radii: ['0', '4px', '8px', '16px'],width: [0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256],minWidths: [0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256],maxWidths: [0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 768, 1024, 1536],heights: [0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256],minHeights: [0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256],maxHeights: [0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256],borders: [0, '1px solid transparent'],borderWidths: ['0', '1px', '2px', '4px'],shadows: ['0','0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)','0px 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)','0 7px 14px rgba(50,50,93,.1)',],opacity: {disabled: 0.4,},colors: {text: '#3F3D4B',background: '#fff',primary: blurple.base,'primary-light': blurple.light[1],'primary-dark': blurple.dark[1],blue: baseColors.consensysblue,black: '#000','near-black': '#111','dark-gray': '#333','mid-gray': '#555',grey: '#CCC',silver: '#999','light-silver': '#aaa','moon-gray': '#ccc','light-gray': '#eee','near-white': '#f4f4f4',white: '#fff',transparent: 'transparent',blacks: ['rgba(0,0,0,.0125)','rgba(0,0,0,.025)','rgba(0,0,0,.05)','rgba(0,0,0,.1)','rgba(0,0,0,.2)','rgba(0,0,0,.3)','rgba(0,0,0,.4)','rgba(0,0,0,.5)','rgba(0,0,0,.6)','rgba(0,0,0,.7)','rgba(0,0,0,.8)','rgba(0,0,0,.9)',],whites: ['rgba(255,255,255,.0125)','rgba(255,255,255,.025)','rgba(255,255,255,.05)','rgba(255,255,255,.1)','rgba(255,255,255,.2)','rgba(255,255,255,.3)','rgba(255,255,255,.4)','rgba(255,255,255,.5)','rgba(255,255,255,.6)','rgba(255,255,255,.7)','rgba(255,255,255,.8)','rgba(255,255,255,.9)',],success: green.base,warning: yellow.base,danger: red.base,info: blue.base,},zIndices: [0, 9, 99, 999, 9999],messageStyle: {base: {color: shade(0.4, '#AAA'),backgroundColor: tint(0.9, '#AAA'),borderColor: '#AAA',},success: {color: shade(0.4, green.base),backgroundColor: tint(0.9, green.base),borderColor: green.base,},warning: {color: shade(0.4, yellow.base),backgroundColor: tint(0.9, yellow.base),borderColor: yellow.base,},danger: {color: shade(0.4, red.base),backgroundColor: tint(0.9, red.base),borderColor: red.base,},info: {color: shade(0.4, blue.base),backgroundColor: tint(0.9, blue.base),borderColor: blue.base,},},buttons: {primary: {color: blurple.text,backgroundColor: blurple.base,// use css custom props'--main-color': blurple.base,'--contrast-color': blurple.text,},success: {'--main-color': green.base,'--contrast-color': green.text,},danger: {'--main-color': red.base,'--contrast-color': red.text,},},buttonSizes: {small: {fontSize: '0.75rem',height: '2rem',minWidth: '2rem',padding: '0 1rem',},medium: {fontSize: '1rem',height: '3rem',minWidth: '3rem',},large: {fontSize: '1.5rem',height: '4rem',minWidth: '4rem',},},};
Theming strategies
There are many different ways to implement different styles on components. Themes can applied globally to all components via the ThemeProvider. Individual components can have styles applied to them directly via the theme prop.
Option A: You can override the entire theme for an entire tree of components using the ThemeProvider
from styled-components:
import {Box, Button, Text, theme} from 'rimble-ui'import {ThemeProvider} from 'styled-components'// a theme with custom spacing and font sizesconst customTheme = {...theme,space: [0, 8, 16, 32, 64],fontSizes: [10, 12, 16, 24, 48]}// = '#111'export default () => (<ThemeProvider theme={customTheme}><Box color='black' p={4}><Text fontSize={4}>Hello, world!</Text></Box></ThemeProvider>)
Option B: You can merge the Rimble theme with your custom theme using Object.assign:
import {theme} from 'rimble-ui';import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';const customTheme = {space: [0, 8, 16, 32, 64],fontSizes: [10, 12, 16, 24, 48],colors: {...theme.colors,black: '#111'}};const App = (props) => {return (<div><ThemeProvider theme={Object.assign({}, theme, customTheme)}> // matching keys in customTheme will override keys in the Rimble theme<App /></ThemeProvider></div>)}
Option 3: You can theme individual components by passing the theme prop directly:
import {Text} from 'rimble-ui'const customTheme = {colors: {magenta: '#f0f'}}export default () => (<Text theme={customTheme} color='magenta'>Hi, I'm magenta!</Text>)
Read the styled-system docs for more information on theming in styled-system