Writing for products
Writing for products
Writing for products isn't difficult when you remember that your interface is a conversation with your users. Try and replicate human conversation as much as possible and respect people's time to explain things simply and clearly.
Low reading age
Re-read your work and replace any words that have a simpler alternative
- Buy
- Get
- Purchase
- Receive
Keep sentences short and avoid complex structure
A quick way to check your content's reading age is hemingwayapp.com
See usability evidence on short sentences
Jargon excludes
The more jargon you use in your product the more users you're likely to exclude from the conversation. Your interface is a conversation with your users, it should teach them how to use and derive the most benefit from your product. By using jargon, you're forcing them to learn another language just to understand the main conversation!
Avoid words like:
- Protocol
- Web3 provider
Look for overly technical words
See usability evidence on the benefits of avoiding jargon
Use an active voice
- You need Ether for this transaction
- You got a Cryptokitty from 0x1234...5678
- Enter a description
- Ether is required to complete this transaction
- Cryptokitty was received from 0x1234...5678
- A description is needed
is and was are usually good signs you're writing passively.
See usability evidence on using the active voice
Avoid system terms
- Sending your ETH
- Casting your vote
- You bought a Cryptokitty
- Processing your transaction
- Your transaction was successful
Sell benefits, not technology
If Facebook was a blockchain company:
Facebook is a social network that uses PHP, compiled with HipHop for PHP and a "source code transformer" that turns PHP into C++
Adoption won't come from explaining the technology behind your dapp. Most people don't understand how cloud technology works, they just know they can access their files anywhere, from any device. That's because we've been delivered the benefits time and time again. Talk about what your product does for people, not how it was architected. Technology backs up benefits and provides proof points, not selling points.